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Operation Care International’s Annual Fund-raising Gala

This year’s gala, “Branded For Christ,” hosted by Scott Murray at Gilley’s Dallas, kicked off with a pre-show room full of activities, including photo ops with the mechanical bull used by John Travolta in Urban Cowboy, a live horse, and a 360 Photo Experience. Kids-Helping-Kids lemonade stand raised funds. Live music was provided at the pre- show by Cherilyn Johnston, Jayne Carter, and Curtis Grimes during a BBQ dinner in the main hall. The 18 flags and national costumes of our partners were presented in the parade of nations.

Special awards were presented to Shelley Taylor (Heart of Jesus Award) and Paul and Dr. Victoria Sarvadi (Light of the World Award).

Everyone enjoyed a great time of fellowship while learning about Operation Care International’s God-given-mission and vision, including the Annual Christmas Gift Celebration, the 7 Callings of God - explained in a take-home booklet, Christmas in July International - Cuba, Love Your Neighbor Campaign, and success stories of four previous homeless neighbors.


Born of a widow’s grief, Operation Care International (OCI) is a nonprofit Christian ministry dedicated to caring for “the lost, the least, and the lonely in Jesus’ name” worldwide. This year, 2024, OCI marks the 21st year of hosting the nation’s largest birthday party for Jesus, honoring the homeless and impoverished men, women, and children of the Dallas Metroplex. Since Nov. 1993, when founder Susie Jennings and a group of volunteers distributed 100 new blankets to the homeless living under the Canton Street overpass in downtown Dallas. OCI has been faithful in carrying the message of love and hope to those in need through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Each December, Operation Care International holds the nation’s largest Christmas party for the homeless and impoverished at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Thousands form lines early on a cold morning for this special event. OCI utilizes more than 3,000 humble and caring volunteers in partnership with charitable organizations, church groups, sponsors [corporate, small businesses, and individuals], and donors to give a Christmas gift to the needy. Food, clothing, shoes, and services are distributed to thousands of impoverished men, women, and children in a festive and safe environment.

Planning begins months before the event to coordinate logistics and gather materials. Thousands of hours are required to create a special day for the homeless and needy families.

Operation Care International Christmas Gift 2024

When: Saturday, December 21 | 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM Where: Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, 650 South Griffin Street, Dallas, TX 75202

Homeless and veterans in need receive blankets and sleeping bags, personal care products, and family reunification opportunities with free Operation Phone Home.

Impoverished children and their families receive medical and dental assessments and family gifts and can enjoy a huge indoor amusement area and Toyland.

All guests receive Evangelism, prayer & counseling, Bibles & gospel tracts, foot washing, a new pair of shoes and socks, a hot meal, haircuts, new coats, and medical assessments.

Please consider helping OCI to serve the homeless, veterans in need, and impoverished children and their families. For more information about OCI’s mission, how to get involved, and how to donate, visit


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