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Seasonal Soak

The holidays— whether they’ve yet to actually take place or have recently passed—can wear you down like few other times of year. Amid all the hubbub, it can be super helpful to take an hour or two to slip away, unplug, and revive your spirit with a long, soul- reviving bath.


lavender oil

Lavender is the go-to essential oil for treating everything from migraines and emotional stress to dry skin and digestion prob- lems. To create a soul-sooth- ing bath, add six to eight drops of lavender essential oil into a warm bath, close your eyes, and let your thoughts drift far away.


grapefruit oil

Grapefruit essential oil, with its uplifting citrusy smell, can stim- ulate your endocrine glands,producing natural, beneficialhormones that help increase en- ergy, alertness, and stamina. If the holidays have sapped your energy, a few drops of grapefruit oil in a slow, soaky bath can put the spring back in your step.


peppermint oil

The spicy scents of peppermint essential oils have been known to wake up the most sluggish holiday reveler and sharpen the senses. If you hit a mid-morning slump, instead of a cup of cof-fee or a candy bar, try several drops of peppermint oil in your bath. The peppermint smell can awaken the mind, boost cogni- tive function, and improve con- centration.


epsom salt

Absorbed directly through the skin, Epsom salt helps replenish the magnesium your body loses during a workout or marathon shopping excursion. Soak inEpsom any time you find your- self with sore muscles and tired bones.


milk and honey

The legendary Egyptian beau- ty Cleopatra credited her soft, silky skin to regular baths in milk and honey. You can do the same. Honey possesses soothing anti- bacterial properties and milk has high vitamin and mineral con- tent. Add one and a half cups of milk (or even milk powder) and half a cup of honey to your bath water and stir. Don’t make the water too hot though, or you can affect the helpful properties of the milk and honey.


  • 4 ounces baking soda

  • 2 ounces each of corn starch,citric acid, and

Epsom salt

  • 11⁄2 teaspoons water

  • 1 teaspoon essential oil of

your choice

  • 11⁄4 teaspoon coconut oi

Combine dry ingredients, removing clumps. In a separate bowl, mix wet ingredients, then add wet ingredi- ents to dry slowly, mixing as you go. Spoon this mixture into a mold. If you’re having trouble, add addition- al water, a little at a time. Remove from mold and let dry overnight on parchment paper. Store in an air- tight container, and drop one in the bath next time you’re ready for a good soak.

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