Magic In Moments
Not so long ago the only way to significantly enhance your appearance with no downtime was probably in a daydream. But modern innovations...

Solar Equips
Summer has long since overtaken us here in the Lone Star State. For many, that means enjoying plenty of outdoor activities while basking...

July Cover: United Dermatology Associates
#LocalArticles #uniteddermatologyassociates #dermatology #beauty #skin #hairremoval #facelift #muscletoning #jeanninehoang

Modern Art From An Ancient Era
PLASTIC SURGERY CONTINUES TO TRANSFORM It may surprise you to know that plastic surgery is one of the world’s oldest healing arts. As...

Smooth Moves
Regardless of your reasoning, there are probably some areas on your body where you just don’t want hair. Fortunately, laser hair removal...

Redefining Dermatology
The allure of smooth, clear, supple skin is undeniable.Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with naturally beautiful skin, and as we...