Creating Educational Excellence
Aristotle said, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” More than one parent has struggled to get their child to...

Fighting The Feisty Flu
FLU SEASON IS UPON US While it’s possible to contract influenza (the flu) any time, the number of flu cases often increases during...

Practicing Gratitude
We all enjoy being around people who are naturally grateful. And most of us try to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in ourselves. But...

All I want For Christmas Is Food
‘Tis the season for spending time with family, and one of the best places to make memories is the kitchen! This month, with mugs of slow...

Redefining Pain
FOR 1.5 BILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, chronic pain is a way of life. While acute pain may occur suddenly, as a sign that something’s wrong...

An Autumn Assortment
PUMPKIN SAGE FETTUCCINE ALFREDO SERVES: 4 TIME: 30 MINUTES 1 pound fettuccine 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 tablespoons flour 2...

How I Learned To Love Juicing
There’s no doubt what got me started on my juicing journey. It was the night I was flipping around Netflix and came across Joe Cross’...

Empty Nest
Something happens to me each day at about three in the afternoon. I suddenly panic, thinking I forgot to pick the kids up from school....

Seasonal Soak
The holidays— whether they’ve yet to actually take place or have recently passed—can wear you down like few other times of year. Amid all...

Loves Great Challenge
The current statistics regarding Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. are sobering—and are only projected to grow worse. Today more than 5...