Just Ask! Take Advantage Of Holiday Conversations With Loved Ones - For Your Health
Beyond exchanging hugs and old stories, family gatherings present an opportunity to talk to relatives about hereditary health issues. It...

Tonic Water vs. Seltzer Water vs. Mineral Water vs. Club Soda
With more and more Americans—and especially young Americans—choosing to fore- go heavily sugared soda in favor of other beverages, we’re...

Standing Up To Breast Cancer
Catching breast cancer early saves lives. Women can discover they have a potentially cancerous lump in many ways—even before other breast...

7 Healthy Habits For A Healthy Life
It’s a truism that most of us want to live habits that will help us live healthier and more long, happy, successful, and healthy lives....

Don't Sugar Coat It
Causing more deaths than AIDS and breast cancer combined, diabetes is a serious disease that nearly doubles a person’s chance of having...

On The Mind
How many calories should I be eating each day? Calories are simply a tool of measurement. Like a cup or an inch or the number of miles in...

Vein Care
Have you ever given much thought to your veins? Veins are important because they push oxygen-depleted blood up through internal valves to...

At Risk
Drive around any large to fair-sized city in Texas, and it appears there’s a new 24/7 gym popping up on virtually every corner. And no...

Allergies And Intolerances
What’s the difference between an allergy and an intolerance? Many people are unsure of how to tell whether an aversion to a particular...

Class Is In Session
The first day back to school can be an exciting moment in time. Fresh supplies, a new pair of shoes, and a chance to reunite with...