Where Do I Start?
I have the odd job combination of being both a morning radio show co-host and a Bible teacher. Since 90.9 KCBI plays both Christian music...

This One Thing
It had been a long day at work followed by a full evening of cooking dinner, chasing my toddler around, giving him a bath, putting him to...

One Word For The New Year
Ten years ago, Pastor Mike Ashcroft issued his church a challenge: forget the resolutions and focus on one word. The sermon caught fire,...

Choose Joy
A simple directive painted in black on a small tin background framed in wood sits on my shelf, shouting a much needed reminder. Oh, joy,...

Do You Hear The Cry Of The Nations?
The season for remembrance, reflection, and renewal is upon us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and look forward with vision into...

Starting A New Holiday Tradition
When my four kids were small, and Christmas Eve was the longest day of the year, I started taking them to a Christmas Eve matinee, as a...

Gift With Strings
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from your- selves, it is the gift of God— —Ephesians 2:8 NIV...

If We Humble Ourselves, Will God Heal Our Land?
A recent Facebook post has me shak- ing my head: California is on fire, Oregon is on fire, Montana is on fire, areas of Canada are on...

Our Caring Comfort Is Enough
In Tawanna Jenkins’ new book, The ABC’s of Worship, we find or betrayal, He has the capability to do more than just say something;...

The Book Report
For The Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with Victory. -----Psalm 149:4 NIV Do you remember your first book report?...