Touch Tips To Make Your Home Feel Like Texas
After traveling the globe over the years and living in various states, I’m sure of at least one thing—Texans are darn proud of Texas....

The New Art Of Xeriscaping
If images of wide expanses of weedy, white gravel and withered grasses come to mind when you think of xeriscaping, it’s time to open your...

Dapper Decks Live More Outdoors
Decks today are more than just a place to throw a few burgers on the grill. A well-designed deck serves as an extended living area that...

Is Private Education Right For My Student?
A private school education isn’t for everyone. Let’s be real, public schools can be pretty fabulous. Many public school teachers and...

Creating a Striking First Impression with a Memorable Front Door
They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Just as you choose the right outfit, hairstyle, and makeup for meeting...

So Hot? It's Cool
Summer is here, and it there’s anything most of us feel we’ve got to have to survive the dog days of it, it’s our HVAC (heating,...

Your Hot Water Heater
It’s easy to forget what a luxury a hot bath or shower is until the water coming out of the tap seems to have been piped in from...

Right Under Your Feet
Was 2016 the year of the stairs? Some designers say that focusing on stairs was a definite trend in 2016—and one that probably won’t go...

Preparing To Buy Or Sell Your Home
If you’re in the market for a home or want to sell, the coming months may be your best bet. That’s because spring and summer are the...