WHAT JESUS REALLY MEANT BY “TAKE UP YOUR CROSS” BY MIKE MAZYCK His ministry lasted three years – that’s over 1000 days of life-giving,...

Considerations as You Run BY MIKE MAZYCK “... let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Jesus, the...

MY PERSONAL awakening
A JOURNEY FROM SELF-ABSORPTION TO SELF-FORGETFULNESS BY MIKE MAZYCK “You’re the most selfish person I have ever met,” said Tiffany, once...

NUMB TO the reality
A CHRISTIAN’S VOYAGE ON THE COSMIC BATTLEFIELD BY MIKE MAZYCK Dear Christian, May I remind you of the current reality of your situation?...

Christianity’s Iceberg
What Lies Beneath the Tip By Mike Mazyck Who do you think of when you think of the “greats” of the Christian faith? If someone were to...

LOOKING IN the mirror
TEN WORDS TO WAKE UP THE AMERICAN CHURCH BY MIKE MAZYCK I was sitting in my living room, watching the recording of a twenty-year-old...

A Christmas Confession
By Mike Mazyck Last year, sometime in early December, as I was reflecting on the upcoming Christmas season, a very radical idea crossed...

Our Miracle Boy
World Adoption Day, A Mother's Story BY MIMI GREENWOOD KNIGHT When our son, Jonah, was eight, a tropical storm dropped a pine tree across...

BEYOND the nod
A TALE OF TWO GRATITUDES BY MIKE MAZYCK “Doesn’t it just make you so grateful?” That was the question asked to me countless times after...

THE PERIL OF THE MODERN CHURCH BY MIKE MAZYCK “I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the...