A Better View
Laser Eye Surgery — What You Need to Know By Mimi Greenwood Knight When eyeglasses were invented in Venice in 1284, known as the “roidi...

Worn Out
Say goodbye to the impact of winter weather on your skin By Samantha Gluck The dry, colder weather in the months leading us through the...

Physically Fit
Your anual exam why it is so important and what to expect By David Buice To maintain good health, you need help, and that’s why the CDC...

Fashionably Fit
Whether you are starting a resolution routine or keeping your promise from the past, you can still be stylish while getting in shape....

Upkeep Your Abode
Making a Calendar for Home Maintenance By Cheryl Alexander A home maintenance calendar will allow you to maximize your efficiency and get...

Fresh Coat
A Guide to 2021 Paint Trends and Finishes By Sydni Ellis Royal blue paint is splattered all over my arms, jeans, and front porch, where...

Making Rooms For Success
Tips and Tricks to Creating Spaces that Work for the Whole Family By Courtney Warren Life happens, and plenty of it has been happening...

Belly Breakup
Technologies that can Help you Kiss your Love Handles Goodbye By Christi Blevins “Love handles” is a sweet term for the excess fat around...